
Blog #1 Prejudice and Bias

Image by Tanisha Watson  In these past two weeks I've learned a great deal about race/anti-racism and prejudice and bias. I viewed a film titled The Laramie Project.  The film (Kaufman, 2002) has an interesting scene where a lady speaks differently than others about this small town called Laramie in Wyoming. The lady expresses how the town no longer has values and many acts of hatred are present. She explains that the  everyone in the community needs to own up to the truth, because the people of  the town shouldn't cover up or deny what Laramie has become. Yes, she is right because once the truth comes to the light then hopefully a change can take place into a more positive direction. Throughout the film homophobia is displayed and Laramie is no longer what it use to be due to a horrific hate incident that occured in the town. Unfortunately, the town has been tainted with hateful acts of racism. As I watched the film I realized that people in the world are lacking compassion fo